How to Keep Your Self-Storage Unit Organized

Some people don't take the time to arrange stuff in a self-storage unit. Unfortunately, failing to organize or arrange a storage unit will inconvenience you when trying to retrieve something. So, why go through too much hassle trying to retrieve items when you could have avoided it by organizing the unit? Well, here is how you can arrange self-storage units before and when moving your items.

Disassemble Furniture

Assembled furniture can take up a lot of space in your storage unit. Therefore, you might have to disassemble the furniture before moving it into a storage unit. And once you do so, place the furniture at the furthest edge of the storage unit. You can also place the various disassembled sections vertically to save on space.

Get Shelving

Self-storage units don't have shelves, but that doesn't restrict you from making DIY shelves. Many occupied self-storage units tend to look disorganized because people don't utilize shelves. They'll just stack boxes randomly, creating a big mess. Installing shelves should help organize your storage facility. Make sure you ask for permission from the facility, as they may have guidelines on how you should make the shelves.

Use Clear Bins

Storing items in boxes helps you organize your storage space. And while it's okay to use cardboard boxes, experts recommend packing items in clear bins. With cardboard boxes, you need to have a detailed label to know the contents. On the other hand, things get simpler when you opt to use clear bins. You can quickly tell what's in a clear container without reading the labels.

Place the Items You Need Most at the Front

You'll need to be careful where you place items that you frequently use. These items should last when moving things into the self-storage unit. All items you won't need should be in the back or furthest corner. This way, you won't struggle to reach the items you need frequently. You can just grab them without moving anything else in the storage unit.

Go Vertical

Did you know that vertical spaces can help keep your self-storage unit neat? Besides, going vertical leaves extra space that you can use later. That said, always stack the boxes high and store the furniture upright. You can even use hanging shelves to store small boxes. 

Always Labels the Boxes

All these pointers will be useless if you fail to label the boxes and bins. Labeling should help you know what's in a specific container. Besides, labels make it easier to stack boxes containing similar stuff in a specific area instead of mixing them up. 
