How To Organize Self-Storage Units

If you are going to rent a storage unit, you should place your items in an organized manner. Organization enables you to have hassle-free access to your stuff. It doesn't matter how long you plan to use the unit, you should always keep it organized and clutter-free.

Nobody wants to spend hours sifting through an unorganized storage unit when trying to find a specific item. Here are some special tips to help you keep your self-storage units organized.

Label Your Boxes

Most people always pack their items in boxes before placing them in storage units. But how will you remember the specific box you placed a particular item in? Well, you might want to use descriptive labels on your boxes. Descriptive labels will help you remember the items you placed in a specific box. You can decide to use stickers or masking tape to create such labels. 

Create an Inventory

Keeping a record of all the items you have in a self-storage unit helps you keep organized. You should also indicate the specific place you have kept your items on your records. Remember to take photos of all your items and keep a simple spreadsheet that will help you keep track of everything that comes in and gets out of the unit.

Build Custom Shelves

While you might prefer to stack up boxes together, building custom shelves is much better. Sometimes you need to store tools or items that don't necessarily require being placed in a box. In that case, you should construct some simple shelves to run along the walls of your unit. 

Building a simple shelf isn't tricky. You just need to get a few materials from the home improvement store, and you'll be good to go. Keep in mind that the shelves should be of different sizes to accommodate both small and large boxes.

Leave Some Walkways or Paths

If you're going to erect shelves on the sidewalls of your unit, you should leave enough walking space in the middle. This allows you to access all your shelves without difficulties. If you have a large storage unit, consider erecting a shelving unit in the middle. This way, you'll have a walkway on either side of the shelf.

Engineering walkways might look like a simple process, but it requires meticulous planning, especially if you have large items such as furniture or a piano.

While it's essential to organize your storage unit, don't be too hard on yourself. All that matters is you can access your items in a matter of seconds or minutes.
